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Home » 1kw Solar Panel Price in India – Specification, Types, and Benefits Comparison Between Brands

1kw Solar Panel Price in India – Specification, Types, and Benefits Comparison Between Brands

You’re tired of soaring electricity bills and unpredictable power cuts, right? Well, the good news is you’re in the right place, and India’s abundant sunshine is on your side! Forget about traditional energy sources that are harsh on your pocket and the planet. What you need to focus on is the 1kw solar panel price in India. 

Why? Because knowing the cost and benefits of a 1kw solar panel can be a game-changer for your home’s energy efficiency and your long-term savings.

In this go-to guide, we won’t just toss numbers at you. We’ll break down types, specifications, and, yes—the perks of different brands, making it easy for you to make an informed choice. 

Ready to turn sunlight into savings? Let’s dive in and shine a light on the most sustainable energy option out there. 

Trust us; your future self (and your wallet) will thank you!

1kw solar panel price in India

What is a 1kW Solar Panel?

A 1 kW solar plant creates 1 kW of power constantly. This electricity comes from solar panels. The size of a 1 kW solar plant varies based on panel type and quantity. 

So, How many solar panels are required for 1kw? Typically, it comprises around 4-6 solar panels. This makes it an efficient and compact setup for converting sunlight into electricity, suitable for residential and small-scale applications.

Types of 1kW Solar Panels

There are three main types of 1 kW solar panels commonly used in solar panel systems:

  • Monocrystalline Solar Panels
  • Polycrystalline Solar Panels
  • Thin-Film Solar Panels

1. Monocrystalline Solar Panels

Monocrystalline solar panels, a popular choice for 1 kW solar systems, are distinguished by their high efficiency and compact design. 

These panels use single-crystal silicon for more consistent and efficient energy conversion. For rooftop installations, monocrystalline panels are excellent because of their efficiency. 

While they tend to be slightly more expensive than other options, their greater energy output and space-saving attributes make them a favoured choice for maximising solar power generation within constrained areas.

2. Polycrystalline Solar Panels

Polycrystalline solar panels are like a group of tiny solar cells working together. They cost less than monocrystalline ones but are less efficient. Imagine them as a giant silicon jigsaw puzzle. 

These panels are useful for solar cost savings. They might not produce as much electricity for the same space, but they’re a solid choice if you have a bigger area available and you’re looking to balance cost and efficiency.

After diving into the specifics, you may also be interested in a comprehensive comparison of Monocrystalline Vs. Polycrystalline Solar Panels – Efficiency, Applications, and More. This would further aid you in making an informed decision.

3. Thin-Film Solar Panels

Thin-film solar panels employ a distinct technology featuring the deposition of thin semiconductor layers on various substrates. These panels are characterised by their relatively lower efficiency compared to crystalline panels but offer unique advantages.

They are notably lightweight, flexible, and can be seamlessly integrated into various structures, making them ideal for specific applications like building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV).

Thin-film panels are ideal for aesthetics, adaptability, and irregular installation places, even though they convert energy less efficiently than crystalline panels.

Price Range for 1kW Solar Panels in India

It is not feasible to assign a uniform price to all solar systems, even if they share identical capacities. The variability in pricing is attributable to a range of influencing factors, including:

  • The type of solar cells significantly impacts efficiency. Monocrystalline cells offer higher efficiency (19-20%) compared to polycrystalline cells (16-17%), resulting in a higher 1kW solar panel price in India due to their superior performance.
  • Various brands offer solar panels with varying qualities. Premium panels manufactured by elite solar panel companies exhibit a low-temperature coefficient, resulting in superior long-term performance as they age.

Also, the choice of solar panel supplier and installation company can impact the overall cost. Reputable and experienced providers may charge more for their services, but they often ensure quality products and installations, reducing the risk of issues in the long run. 

It’s important to select a trusted supplier and installer to ensure a reliable and efficient solar panel system.

The cost of a 1kw solar system for a home price in India is not fixed but falls within a price range. Typically, it can range from Rs. 45,000 to Rs. 70,000, owing to the multitude of factors that influence the final price.

When calculating the final cost of your solar system, you’ll also find it helpful to understand the difference in energy units. Check out the KW Vs. KWH – Complete Guide 2023 for a thorough explanation.

Benefits of Installing 1kW Solar Panels

The installation of 1kW solar panels offers several notable benefits:

1. Energy Cost Savings

1kW solar panels help homeowners and businesses cut electricity expenses significantly. They utilise sunlight, a free and abundant resource, converting it into electricity.

This reduces dependence on costly grid power, leading to substantial long-term savings while making energy consumption more economical and sustainable.

2. Energy Independence

1kW solar panels provide a degree of self-sufficiency by generating electricity on-site. This reduces dependence on external power sources, particularly beneficial in areas prone to blackouts or remote locations without reliable grid access.

Solar energy can be stored in batteries, ensuring a consistent power supply even when the sun isn’t shining, further enhancing energy autonomy.

3. Low Maintenance

Solar panels are low-maintenance, requiring minimal upkeep. Regular cleaning to remove dirt and debris, along with occasional inspections for any issues, typically suffices.

Their robust design and durability mean they can reliably generate electricity for decades with little ongoing maintenance costs, making them a hassle-free investment for energy-conscious consumers.

Comparison Between Solar Panel Brands In India

Comparing solar panel brands in India is crucial when making a decision about investing in a solar energy system.

Several reputable brands offer a range of solar panels designed to meet different needs. 

Below is a comparison of some well-known solar panel brands in India based on key factors:

BrandEfficiency (%)Warranty (years)Price Range (per kW)Customer Reviews
Tata Power Solar18-2225₹45,000 – ₹55,0004.5/5
Luminous16-2010-25₹40,000 – ₹50,0004.0/5
Vikram Solar18-2125₹42,000 – ₹52,0004.2/5
Microtek17-1910-25₹38,000 – ₹48,0004.1/5
Adani Solar19-2325₹45,000 – ₹55,0004.4/5

The above information is based on research from different articles and forums.

1. Tata Power Solar

Tata Power Solar, a renowned Indian solar panel brand, boasts a legacy of reliability and innovation. Offering a diverse range of high-quality panels, they excel in both efficiency and durability.

With a strong commitment to customer satisfaction, Tata Power Solar provides robust warranty support. Their panels are a trusted choice for those seeking dependable and long-lasting solar solutions in India.

2. Luminous

The renewable energy market trusts luminous solar panels for their efficiency and reliability. These panels create electricity from solar energy, reducing carbon emissions and energy bills.

Luminous solar panels are popular with environmentally aware consumers in India and worldwide due to their flexible energy solutions and innovative technologies.

3. Adani Solar

As a subsidiary of the Adani Group, Adani Solar is a reputable Indian solar panel manufacturer known for its efficient and robust panels. They offer competitive pricing and a variety of panel types to accommodate diverse installation needs.

Adani Solar panels are recognised for their durability and reliability, making them a preferred choice for many residential and commercial solar projects in India.

4. Microtek

Microtek specialises in providing cost-effective solar panels. Typically suited for smaller-scale installations, Microtek panels offer affordability but may have slightly lower efficiency compared to premium brands.

They are a popular choice for residential applications where budget constraints are a concern, making them a practical option for those looking to harness solar energy without the highest upfront investment.


Can I install a 1kW solar panel system on my small rooftop in a crowded city in India?

Yes, you can install a 1kW solar panel system on a small rooftop in a crowded city in India. Many solar panels are designed to fit limited spaces, and with proper planning, you can harness solar energy even in urban environments.

What can we run in a 1 kW solar system?

In a 1 kW solar system, you can typically run small appliances such as lights, fans, laptops, and mobile chargers. It may also power some low-energy-consuming appliances intermittently.

Is 1 kW enough to run a house?

A 1 kW solar system is generally not sufficient to run an entire house. It can provide supplemental power but may not cover the total energy needs of a typical household.

How many appliances can run on 1kW?

Typically, a 1kW solar panel system can power several appliances simultaneously, depending on their energy consumption. It can handle basic home appliances like lights, fans, TVs, and small electronics.

How many kW solar panels for 1.5 ton AC?

A 1.5-ton AC unit typically requires a solar panel system with a capacity of at least 3kW to 5kW, depending on factors such as AC efficiency, usage patterns, and local climate conditions.


As India increasingly embraces solar energy, choosing the right 1kW solar panel is paramount. Consider factors like efficiency, durability, and brand reputation. 

Despite price fluctuations, environmental impact reduction, financial savings, and energy independence are long-term benefits. Solar panels are a good investment for a sustainable future. 

As you consider the long-term returns of this green investment, it might also be worth considering Investing in Solar vs Investing in Bank: Which is the Better Option? to ensure you’re making the most out of your financial resources?

And for savvy investors looking for opportunities beyond traditional markets, consider exploring SustVest, India’s best alternative investment platform, to make a meaningful impact while growing your wealth.